Sunday, May 31, 2015

Losing weight is easy - don't eat fast food

It is not difficult to see that the American lifestyle and most other countries' lifestyles are shifting more and more toward the fast food industry. With more and more households depending on both parents working in order to survive, cooking at home is no longer an option. This may sound good for the kids (if you have any), but the reality is that eating out most night of the week is no good. You don't know what you are eating unless you cook it. That is why they have the "dirty dining" series on news stations. The truth is that most restaurants know that they are not being watched 24-7, therefore, they take some liberties in their cleanliness. It takes more time and effort to cook clean, and to keep a restaurant clean. So they just sweep the dust "under the rug". And who pays for it? You and I, the consumers. There are many stories of objects found in food and drinks, many of which are kept in the down low. If we knew the whole truth the multi-Billion dollar food industry would collapse, which would be a big hit to corporate America. This is true worldwide, not just in America. It is said that cooking certain food will promote weight loss - Mexican food is on top of that list. That is because it is healthy, relies on just basic food groups, and is often hot (spicy), which many believe increases your metabolism. I agree, when I eat home-cooked Mexican food, I feel much better, as compared to eating a meal at a fast food or sit-down restaurant. If I eat home-cooked Mexican food, I also feel like I lose weight. Unfortunately, my wife has a full-time job which prevents her from cooking at home. And I'm not a good cook :(. So, in conclusion, if you can and have the time, try to cook at home and avoid all the stuff out there. Promote healthy eating to your family. Enjoy! If you are interested in Weight Loss, please look into this Program which appears quite promising to Weight Loss for Women: Click Here! for a Weight Loss Program for women, may work for men too, who knows. .......Here is a link to a weight loss plan that supposedly works in three weeks for all. Try at your own risk, as I have not personally tried it. Sounds good though. CLICK HERE!!!!! Good Luck!!!

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